South Yorkshire Talking Together
Here in Barnsley, our Family Centres offer a friendly one-stop shop for families with children or young people aged 0-19 or 25 with a disability. They bring together practitioners from a range of universal, targeted and specialist services in each local area, including schools, police, social care, private and voluntary sector and some adult services.
The services they offer vary in each area of the borough, depending on the needs of families and the wider community, and include:
preparing children for school and helping them to thrive in school
helping parents and carers to develop their parenting skills
helping parents and carers to develop personal skills, access training and education, and enhance their ability to get employment
helping parents and carers to keep children safe
helping children to achieve their full potential and reduce inequalities in their health and development
supporting the development of healthy lifestyles for children
helping families to become more resilient